I am black

you are white

I am day

and you are night

but we meet at sunsets

no regrets.

time is precious

and with you it ticks too quickly

without you the hands move

so slowly.

my missing piece to my puzzle,

my favorite song,

why did meeting you have to take so long?

you are every smile and laugh

thousands of memories i have

for my ‘past’

be my future, be my now

ask me to survive without you

and i would say ‘how?’

you are love and very addicting

a habbit i do not plan on quitting

i am hooked and an adict

don’t find an antidote i wont have it

you are my burried treasure i have found,

and like a greedy pirate i don’t plan to share

i found you fair and square

you are mine and i am yours

this story is just beginning,

i believe we will have a ‘happy ending’

I hope that this is true,

i can’t picture a life without you.


August 28, 2006

My birthday came and went. It was probably the best one I have ever had.Well aside from the one i had when i was 8 with the pony rides,jump delight, and clowns.

For once nothing went bad lol. Every year my birthday has basically been shit. nothing ever happens. everyone forgets it or no one cares. But this year, well this year someone cared and it made me feel sooooooooo good.

i got everything i could ask for. I got dinner,a cake, presents, and i am someone’s fiance’ now. lol that word still feels funny to me. i’m not used to it. it makes me smile like an idiot when i say it though lol.

I feel content with the way things are going. am i moving too fast? i don’t think so. i know what i want. Atleast this is one thing i am sure about. i may be uncertin about a few things but not this.

am i scared? a little. i will addmit that. why am i scared? because it would be a very big life changing event. but i think once i get past the gitters of it i’ll be fine.do i have doubts? no. Just nerves i guess you could call them.

my mom wants to move out already. i’m not sure how i feel about that. im worried about her being on her own and all, but i have to remember that i’m starting my life, and im not a little girl anymore. i have to let go of her just like she does me. god it scares me so much to acctually ‘let go’. i’m trying to already, so it wont be so bad when it acctually comes time to do it.

Im 20, and i’m scared to not live with my mom anymore lol. im pathetic i guess. it reminds me of my first day of kindergarden, and how i cried so bad when she left me. i was always a cry baby ‘anytime’ she left me. especially when i went out of town with out her when i was 9. Blahh, but you know what? I think i’ll be okay.

No one ever loved me as much as my mom did, but i think now someone does. and that’s a lot of love. but you know what? I love him just as much, that’s why i’m not so paranoid about all this. I know things will be okay.