A Better Fuck…

August 11, 2006

I HATE when the bands i love gain fame. I hate it not because of all the great oppertunities they get but because of all the fucking gay ‘wannabe fans’ that follow with them. Like those little kids who only love them because they’re ‘hot’. They may listen to the music but they don’t REALLY listen to it. They don’t even know who writes the songs. I’m talking about P!ATD. Just so you know. All these fucking girls are swooning over the lead singer and saying he’s so awesome cause of the songs he sings. They’re gay because that’s all he does is SING the songs. Just because a person sings a song doesnt mean they WROTE it. Fucking idiots. You think they would realize this being that FOB is a great example of singer VS song writter. Why is it SO cool to ‘know’ Pete Wentz? Pete doesn’t give a fuck if you have his poster on ur wall or how hot you think he is. All he wants is for you to LISTEN to what he has to say. The same with Ryan from P!ATD. The little shit is like my age and he writes these amazing lyrics. I’m jealous of him lol. They deserve every great thing that comes their way, but what good was it to write these songs if people don’t really LISTEN to them? All they do is stare at them because ‘OMG PETE Is so HAWT<33’ or “OMG BRENDON IS SO SEXY”. I hate teenyboppers. I was listening to these bands before they even got a music video on TV. Especially Panic!. Ask anyone I know. I used to talk about them and people would say ‘who?’ now it’s like ‘oh!’ I’m pissed that they picked Lying is the Most Fun…as a single, because it is a great song and will get ruined by the stupidness of the media, but the video was a fantastic idea. I’m done. I feel better now. 🙂